Tuesday, 6 December 2016


What do they mean by “ArthaKranti”? Who they are? What they do? What is their purpose? The moment we hear this word, we get so confused and demonetized …..Oh! I mean demoralized. But in this chaotic situation, they have stood up to high moral values and their contribution to India will prove significant in near future.

What is “ArthaKranti ?

Well this is the Organization responsible for current demonetization move of Govt. of India. Anil Bokil, who is mechanical engineer by profession. He is one of the member of Pune based Arthakranti Sansthan.

 What is their purpose?

The ArthaKranti proposal is a well-researched scientific approach designed to completely transform the current Indian socio-economic scenario. This approach will enable 'Principled, Prosperous and Peaceful living' for all citizens of our country.

Artha = “Money” or “Finance”

Kranti = “Revolution”.

Indeed, this will prove to be one of the major financial revolution in coming time. It’s a journey of 16 years and collective efforts of the group with a common vision to find concrete, unshakable solutions for the problems faced by common people.

ArthaKranti Sansthan clears one of the basic understanding, we have about money. In ancient time, people were really happy to exchange goods and services for other goods and services without using the medium of exchange such as money. But as time changed, some smart people came up with an idea of money.

Let me illustrate,
In barter system, people used to exchange rice with person having wheat, so that both of them get a commodity which they don’t have, which is essential for survival. But thereafter, some smart people created money as a common commodity, which can be exchanged with other things like rice, wheat etc.
The basic difference between medium and commodity is that 

Medium can be used by anyone but no one can possess it. For example – language.
No one can possess language. It is free to use at your disposal.

Commodity can be owned and possessed. For example – your mobile, shirt etc.
No one can claim that mobile that I am using belongs to them. It is in my possession, so it is my completely mine.

Money was created as a medium of exchange, but now it has become commodity.
100 rupee note in my pocket is a commodity because unless and until I give you, you can’t use it, whereas same 100 rupee note in my bank http://www.arthakranti.org/becomes medium ,where bank can lend to someone who needs it more, when I am not using it.
The whole proposal is based on this fundamental understanding.

Black money has become commodity to those who possess it and it remains isolated when unused. The same becomes difficult to track and identify the source. 
Hence, it is really important that more the money comes to the bank, more it is available to people who it need it most and source of money becomes traceable.

Here are the five proposals made by Arthakranti Sansthan.

1)      Withdrawal of existing Taxation  System completely

2)      Every Transaction routed through a bank will attract certain deduction in appropriate percentage as “Transaction Tax”. 

3)      Withdrawal of High denomination currency.  
(Say above Rs. 50)

4)      Cash Transactions will not attract any transaction tax

5)      Government should make legal provisions to restrict cash transactions up to a certain limit (say Rs.2000).

Government seems to have started taking some of steps mentioned in the proposal, Mr. Anil Bokil has already presented this vital information to all key party members and leaders. We expect something good will turn out for our nation soon.

Please share this article if you like with more people and spread awareness. 
You can also visit http://www.arthakranti.orgfor more information.

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